Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Blog

Nurturing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leaders

It is really pleasing to see a large number of organisations bringing diversity, equity and inclusion to the fore. Those of us who already work in this area know how important it is for individuals, groups of people and organisations. I support a number of DEI Leaders through coaching, bespoke packages and networks, and there are several themes and experiences that we share.

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Why I’m Using the Word, ‘Expected’, From Now On.

In my Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion consultancy, the idea of language comes up regularly. It might be people telling me they don’t know what to say- what words to use to describe people without causing offense. It might be teams of people discussing what words to use to accurately convey their thoughts and values regarding DEI issues.

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Leadership Shonagh Reid Leadership Shonagh Reid

How I Created a DEI Leader's Toolkit

As a consultant for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion I join organisations at a range of different points on their journey. When creating a leader’s toolkit for Diverse Educators it was important to me that it would be useful for DEI leaders and also for organisation leaders so that they know what is entailed in this specialist area of work.

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ED&I: Facilitating Difficult Conversations

As a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Consultant, I am often asked by organisations to help facilitate conversations with groups of people to learn more about their personal experiences. Examples of this include leading a conversation with black and global majority employees to discuss their experiences of racism within an organisation

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Diversity and inclusion Shonagh Reid Diversity and inclusion Shonagh Reid

The Problem with Diversity

After the awful events of last summer where systematic and institutional racism where laid bear with the murder of George Floyd, organisations have become more acutely aware of their approach to diversity, equality and inclusion. It is easy to believe that people of colour have become more outraged by systematic and institutional racism because of George Floyd, but this is not the case.

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